NEW YEAR NEW ME - 6 Week Workshop

The best time of the year is the beginning of the new year. 

Because we all have dreams, goals, new year resolutions. BUT do they always happen? Do we follow up nicely or they last just a few days/weeks?


We also had failed new year resolutions before – more times than we care to remember – and finally we made them stick.

And you’ll see it is VERY SIMPLE.

Let’s get together for 6 weeks and work on very simple principles, so in 2023 you can feel like a hero of your own decisions.

You new life is just around the corner, LETS GO!


For 6 weeks you will have:

– Weekly meetings in our zoom room.

– Home works so you can work on your selfs.

– Reading and watching materials.

– One on one sessions with Ike and Esra. (They can only do some in 6 weeks and  every participant may not be getting a one-on-one session)

And if you miss a class, don’t worry, each class is recorded and will be available to you for 7 days after each session. So you’ll have a week to watch what you missed.


Place : This workshop will take place in Zoom

Date :
January 7th 2023 – Saturday
9.00 Am Pacific Time (California)
12.00 Pm Eastern Time (New York)
8.00 Pm Europe (Istanbul)

Duration :
6 weeks plus meet and greet week.

December 17th we’ll start with week 0 for meet and greet.

Final Registration :
January 5th 2023 

Price : $777 


If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected]