(In English)
Ike and Esra were invited to United Nations.
Women’s empowerment.
(English Subtitles)
Ike’s interview on Turkish
National TV Channel (Haberturk) with Saba Tumer
(In English)
Esra talks about her new book on the Elevating Your Life podcast
Ashley Martorano (Workshop Leader)
Hello Esra & Ike, I've been wanting to write to you and say thank you for the awesome manifestation techniques workshop, but for weeks I just couldn't write it out, and this week I've discovered why...
On Monday my partner and I got an offer to move into a house that our friends have recently purchased in Shasta but remains empty most of the time, Tuesday we moved our stuff over, and today is my first full day with all the space I had been dreaming of!!!
Exactly what I wanted to have happen happened in such a quick and easy way, beyond what I was even imagining, and came completely out of the blue! It's total magic and absolutely a product of the tools and training I received from you both!
Thank you so so much!!!
Before this course, I knew 'you're the creator of your reality' was somehow true but I had no idea the power that we actually have over our own lives. You've helped me learn how to be the creator of my life, and I am so grateful to have had you to learn from!
I'll be looking forward to your next English offering 🙂
Much love and big hugs,
Ashley Martorano
Melis Özmen Bilgin (MA, developmental psychologist)
“I learned to love myself more deeply and experienced freeing myself from my own limitations many times over. But what I treasure the most is that I transformed into a psychologist who has so much more to give to her clients now.”
As a psychologist, I read a lot and have continued throughout my career to take a variety of courses and attend educational programs about psychology. However, although there is a lot of valuable material out there, I would always feel as if there were a missing piece, especially in handling adult cases.
That missing link I found in the teachings of Ike and Esra, especially because they teach and coach in a manner that is so practical and applicable to daily life.
First . . .
I used everything I learned from Ike and Esra on myself and started experiencing shifts and incredible changes in my own life.
After that . . .
I began to use what I had learned on my clients, both children and adults.
Now . . .
I hold space for my clients by helping them discover their self- imposed limitations, their own dreams, and how they can reach toward and become their next desired version of themselves. I started connecting with my clients not just on a mental level, but also more deeply with the core of who they really are.
Most importantly, I transformed from a psychologist who sees clients as people who have problems that need to be fixed to a psychologist who recognizes my clients’ power to discover their own self-imposed limitations and find their own solutions, which empowers them.
I learned from Esra the best version of the “Inner Child” work I have ever come across. It changed my life deeply and in applying it to my clients now, I witness every day how effective it is.
On a personal and business level, I learned what it means to smile at my Ego, to raise my vibration, to own my inner power.
In the process of applying the teachings, I …
Found the perfect house
Set up my own business
Increased my income threefold
Created a relationship beyond my wildest dreams
AND got married . . .
I learned to love myself more deeply and experienced freeing myself from my own limitations many times over. But what I treasure the most is that I transformed into a psychologist who has so much more to give to her clients now.
Esra Banguoglu Ogut teaches, above all, by who she is and how she walks her path, and I thank my dear mentor for helping me advance in my career and set up a life that I love. I am forever grateful.
I have no doubt that with this precious book she will enable many more to awaken to their power.
— Melis Ozmen Bilgin, MA, developmental psychologist
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa (Best selling Author, pioneer of Prenatal Yoga)
I love, love, love Esra’s book! Esra Banguoglu Ogut is a mystic so ancient in wisdom and yet so young at heart. I feel her here in her “Earth self” as well as the other Esra who lives in another place full of light and life, and she shares how we can all do it.
In this read, Esra can reach everyone, and I mean everyone. Esra is talking and walking with the reader.
She never feels that she is above anyone, and is not talking at anyone.
She is just standing by the reader’s side, saying, “You can do it. I know you can. Let’s get going!”
My prayer is that this breath-of-fresh-air book becomes a bestseller.
— Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, author, Kundalini Yoga instructor, business owner, and the pioneer of prenatal yoga
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